TV Reports
TV Berlin Report - Sahra Wagenknecht: "Warum der Westen seine Strategie ändern muss"
TV Berlin Report: ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy empfängt Malaysischen Außeminister
TV Berlin Report: "Wie weiter mit Europa? Edmund Stoiber speaks to TV Berlin
The Annual Conference on Cultural Diplomacy in Bucharest
Rai TV, Tg2 – A Report on the Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in Italy
Rai TV, Tg3 – Greater International Cooperation to Tackle Illegal Trafficking of Artefacts
"Greater International Cooperation to Tackle Illegal Trafficking of Artefacts"
The importance of Cultural Diplomacy for Dialogue and Mutual Understanding
Bucharest TVR Channel – Food as Cultural Diplomacy
The Wall Street Journal Channel