ICD Events 2009
- Conferences
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
20.01.2009 (16:00) |
The Inauguration of US President Obama. A Moment of Change? The Significance of President Obama’s Presidency for Germany and Africa Dr. Uschi Eid, Mitglied des Deutschen Bundestages BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN, parlamentarische Staatssekretärin im Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung a.D. S.E. Herr Makase Nyaphisi, Botschafter des Königreichs Lesotho S.E. Abdul Bin Rimdap, Botschafter der Bundesrepublik Nigeria |
Podium Discussion |
20.01.2009 (19:00) |
The Inaugeration of US President Obama. A Moment of Change? The Significance of President Obama’s Presidency for the African Diaspora Ludovic Dakossi, Kulturattaché der Botschaft von Benin Yvonne Frazier, Opernsängerin Jeannine Kantara, Journalistin und Mitbegründerin der Initiative Schwarzer Deutscher (ISD) Christoph Lanz, Direktor Deutsche Welle TV Prof. Charles Yankah, Präsident African Cultural Institute Pastor Frank Williams, Protestant Faith Fellowship Church |
Podium Discussion |
20.01.2009 (20:00) |
Inaugeration Musical Celebration with Jazz and Rhythm & Blues Ray Blue - Tenor/Baritone and Soprano Saxophones Gary Wiggins - Tenor Saxophone Reggie Moore - Piano Nina Hill - Vocals Max Hughes - Bass Eddie DeJean - Drums J.C. Drook - Guitar |
Concert |
23rd January – 30th June | City West - Potenziale, Leitlinien, Maßnahmen An exhibition detailing the development of Berlin’s historic City West from the Berlin Senatverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung |
Exhibition |
20th January – 28th February | Black History Month in Berlin 2009 A series of 14 events exploring the influence of the African Diaspora in Germany |
Event Series |
26.01.2009 (15:30) | What Do We Mean by Citizenship and Integration? Franziska Giffey, Europe-delegate of the Berlin disctrict Neukölln, and Ercan Karakoyun, Chairman of the Forum für Interkulturellen Dialog Berlin |
Seminar |
27.01.2009 (11:00) | Turkish Identity in the German Context Amb. Ali Ahmet Acet, Turkish Ambassador to Germany |
Tuesday, 27th January (16:00) | German Citizenship and Integration Dr. Gökçe Yurdakul, Professor of Diversity and Social Conflict, Humboldt University |
Seminar |
Tuesday, 10th February (10:00) | Cultural Diplomacy and European Integration Dr. Uli Brückner, Jean Monnet Professor for European Studies, Stanford University in Berlin |
Lecture |
Monday, 16th February (11:00) | Slovenia’s EU Presidency and the Year of Intercultural Dialogue Anja Fabiani, Slovenian Ministry for Foreign Affairs |
Lecture |
Monday, 16th February (14:00) | The Historic, Economic, and Political Fundamentals of the EU Willem Noë, Directorate General Communication, European Commission |
Lecture |
Thursday, 19th February (17:30) | European Identity Explored Karl Erik Normann, Former Swedish Ambassador and Secretary General, European Cultural Parliament |
Seminar |
Monday, February 23rd (14:00) | Leopold Sedar Senghor and Janheinz Jahn: Cultural Intermediaries Dr. Lacina Yeo, Professor for Comparative Literature and Intercultural Education, Free University Berlin |
Lecture |
Tuesday, February 24th (10:00) | Lesotho’s Approach to Cultural Diplomacy H.E. Makase, Ambassador of Lesotho in Berlin, |
Lecture |
Monday, 02.03.2009 (16:00) | The German Paliament and Soft Power Uli Finkenbusch, FDP Party, German Parliament |
Seminar and Tour |
Wednesday, 04.03.2009 | Deutsche Welle as an Example of Cultural Diplomacy Max Hofmann, Deutsche Welle |
Lecture and Tour |
Thursday, 05.03.2009 (10:00) | Cultural Diplomacy: Case study: Lesotho and Africa H.E. Ambassador Makase Nyaphisi, Ambassador of Lesotho to Germany |
Lecture |
Thursday, 05.03.2009 (16:00) | Challenges and Opportunities for Cultural Diplomacy and the future of the EU Willem Noë, European Commission in Berlin |
Lecture |
Thursday, 12th March (19:00) | African Diaspora Community Meeting A meeting of local representative and activists for the Diaspora Community |
Meeting |
Tuesday, 24th March (10:00) | Two Different Europes: British and German Approaches to the EU Jan Techau, Director, Alfred von Oppenheim Centre for European Policy Studies, The German Council on Foreign Relations |
Lecture |
25.03.2009 (13:00) | The Historic, Economic, and Political Fundamentals of the EU Willem Noë, European Commission in Berlin |
Lecture |
25.03.2009 (16:00) | The UK and Germany: Global Parnters Mike Reilly, Diplomat, British Embassy |
Seminar |
25.03.2009 (16:00) | Campaign Advice & British Political Culture Norma Wright |
Thursday, 26th March (14:30) | Why do we need a strong German-British Dialogue? Gebhardt von Moltke, former German Ambassador to the UK |
Lecture |
25.03.2009 (16:00) | Campaign Advice & British Political Culture Norma Wright |
Thursday, 26th March (17:00) | French-German Day: French Cultural Diplomacy in Focus Jean d'Haussonville, Cultural Attaché of the French Embassy in Berlin Anne Tallineau-Schesch, Cultural Attaché for Media and Film at the French Embassy in Berlin Pascale Laborier, Director of the Centre of Marc Bloch |
Panel Discussion, Film Screening, Concert |
Monday, 30th March (16:00) | Still Lost in Translation? The Opportunities and Challenges of Transatlantic Relations Dr. Christian Tuschhoff, Visiting Professor, Centre for Transnational Relations, Free University Berlin |
Lecture |
31.03.2009 (14:00) | Transatlantic Cultural Diplomacy in Action Dr. Reinhard Insensee, Humboldt University in Beriln |
Seminar |
31.03.2009 (16:30) | Atlantische Initiative as an Example of Cultural Diplomacy Jörg Wolf, Atlantische Initiative |
Seminar |
Tuesday, 31st March (18:30) | Behind the Scenes of the Amerika Haus A guided tour of the Amerika Hau, including commentary on the design, activity, and importance of the institution |
Guided Tour |
01.04.2009 (10:00) | Presenting the USA to Germany- Challenges in Cultural Diplomacy Pam DeVolder, Public Affairs Department of the US Embassy in Berlin |
Lecture |
Wednesday, 1st April (16:00) | Cultural Dimensions of the Economic Transatlantic Bridge Carl Graf von Hohenthal, Director, American Chamber of Commerce in Germany |
Lecture |
02.04.2009 (16:00) | The Role of the Private Sector in Transatlantic Relations Jörn Holtmeier, Daimler AG |
Lecture |
Thursday, 2nd April (19:00) | The European-American Relationship: Berlin’s Unique Role Dr. Werner Hoyer MdB, (FDP) Michael Kuenzel , City West Berlin Pastor Frank Williams, Protestant Faith Fellowship |
Lectures, Concert |
02.04.2009 (16:00) |
The Role of the Private Sector in Transatlantic Relations Jörn Holtmeier, Daimler AG |
Lecture |
03.04.2009 (9:30) |
Transatlantic Relationship after January 20th, 2009 in the European Context Dr. Werner Hoyer, Member of the German Parliament and the European Liberal Democrats Party |
Lecture |
15.04.2009 (14:30) |
Considering questions of Identity, Nationality and Citizenship Sarmad Hussain, SPD Party, German Parliament |
Seminar |
Wednesday, 15th April (20:00) | “Voices” Reading Series A series of poetry readings and live music from locally based artists |
Poetry Readings, Concert |
16.04.2009 (10:00) |
The Idea of Europe Prof. Dr. Ulrich Brückner, Stanford University in Berlin |
Lecture |
Tuesday, 28th April (11:30) | Russia in Global Affairs Mr. Molchanov, Third Secretary, Russian Embassy in Berlin |
Lecture |
Tuesday, 28th April (14:15) | The Russian-European Cultural Relationship Mr. Zhuvalev, Vice-Director, Russian Haus Berlin |
Lecture |
28.04.2009 (16:00) | Politics and Geopolitics issues: Europe & Russia (seminar): A History of war & peace Prof. Weisskirchen, Spokesman on Foreign Affairs for the SPD-Group and Chairman of the German-Russian group of parlamentarians. |
Lecture |
29.05.2009 (10:00) | Mexican Foreign and Cultural Relations with Germany and Europe Daniel Tamayo, Cultural Attaché; Luis Ayala, Economic Attaché |
Lecture |
30.05.2009 (14:00) | The Concept of Berlin's Carnival of Cultures (Movie, Lecture & Discussion) Anett Szabó, Former Organizer of the "Karneval der Kulturen" |
Lecture |
Thursday, 30th April (18:00) | The Influence of the Mass Media on European-Russian Relations Giulietto Chiesa, Member of the European Parliament |
Lecture |
02.05.2009 (09:00) |
EU-Russian Economic Cooperation Mr. Nikitin, Director of the Russian Chamber of Commerce in Germany |
Lecture |
09.05.2009 - 30.06.2009 |
Geschenke Der Amerikaner: Das Architekturerbe der Alliierten Präsenz in West-Berlin An exhibition looking at the architectural legacy of the allied forces in Berlin |
Exhibition |
14.05.2009 (19:00) |
The Legacy of the Marshall Plan Today (A component of the ICD program “The European-American Relationship”) |
Film Screening, Discussion |
21.05.2009 (19:00) |
By The People: The Election of Barack Obama 2009 Analysis of an international election Campaign and the European reaction (A component of the ICD program “The European-American Relationship”) |
Film Screening, Discussion |
23.05.2009 (20:00) |
African Legends: Sundiata and Sumanguru A diverse selection of artistic performances featuring music, dance, and storytelling |
Theatrical and Musical Performances |
26.05.2009 (14:00) | Berlin Philharmonic - Music as Cultural Diplomacy Larissa Israel, Community Development Program Representative, Berlin Philharmonic |
Lecture & Presentation |
26.05.2009 (16:00) |
Europe and Latin America - A History Between Spaces Prof. Dr. Stefan Rinke, Latin American Institute, Free University Berlin |
Lecture |
27.05.2009 (10:00) |
European Integration, Transatlantic Relations and Cultural Diplomacy Willem Noe (European Commission) |
Lecture |
28.05.2009 (10:00) | Germany Cultural Diplomacy and Foreign Policy to Latin America Wolfgang Hoelscher-Obermaier, Deputy Head of Division, Latin America |
Lecture |
28.05.2009 (14:00) |
Economic Bridges: MERCOSUR and the European Union Ney Artur Gonçalves Canani, Head of the Political Department, Brazilian Embassy in Berlin |
Lecture |
28.05.2009 (16:00) | Germany, Latin America and the Future of Transatlantic Relations Harald Leibrecht, Member of the German Parliament, FDP Party |
Lecture |
28.05.2009 (19:00) |
The "Berlin Airlift" The airlift and its meaning in contemporary Berlin (A component of the ICD program “The European-American Relationship”) |
Film Screening, Discussion |
29.05.2009 (10:00) | Mexican Foreign and Cultural Relations with Germany and Europe Daniel Tamayo, Cultural Attaché; Luis Ayala, Economic Attaché |
Lecture |
30.05.2009 (14:00) | The Concept of Berlin's Carnival of Cultures (Movie, Lecture & Discussion) Anett Szabó, Former Organizer of the "Karneval der Kulturen" |
Lecture |
30.05.2009 (14:00) |
The Concept of Berlin's Carnival of Cultures (Movie, Lectures & Discussion) Anett Szabó, Former Organizer of Berlin‘s "Karneval der Kulturen" |
Lecture, workshop |
01.06.2009 (10:00) |
Business Behaviour in Germany and Scandinavia Ralf Fröhlich, Director of Himmel och Jord |
Seminar |
02.06.2009 (14:00) |
The Challenges and Opportunities in Higher Education Prof. Dr. Stefanie Gropper, University of Tübingen |
Lecture |
02.06.2009 (16:00) |
An example of Cultural Diplomacy: World Heritage at UNESCO Judith Herrmann, German Commission for UNESCO |
Seminar |
02.06.2009 (19:00) | Art as Cultural Diplomacy Prof. Dr. Sophie Wennerscheid, Director of the Lecture Kulturhus Berlin |
Lecture |
03.06.2009 (10:00) | German Foreign Ministry – State Sponsored Cultural Diplomacy Alexander Somoza, Desk Office for the Nordic Region, German Foreign Ministry |
Lecture |
03.06.2009 (14:00) | Nordic Embassies in Berlin – Multilateral Cultural Diplomacy Lene Mortensen and Counselor Frode Solberg, Norwegian Embassy |
Seminar |
03.06.2009 (16:00) |
New Opportunities: The German-Swedish Chamber of Commerce Elin Lindberg, Junior Chamber of Commerce |
Lecture |
04.06.2009 (16:00) |
Scandinavian Identity and Culture in the Context of the European Union Ambassador Karl Erik Norrman Director of the Europa Kulturparlament |
Lecture |
04.06.2009 (14:00) | Providing Leadership in Turbulent Times? A Preview of the Swedish 2009 EU Presidency Ruth Jacoby, Uwe Optenhögel, Fredrick Langdal, Göran von Sydow, Swedish Embassy in Berlin |
Lecture |
04.06.2009 | Cabaret American culture in Berlin from the Weimar Republic to today (A component of the ICD program “The European-American Relationship”) |
Films Screening, Discussion |
05.06.2009 (10:30) | The Finnish Institute’s Cultural Diplomacy in Germany Suvi Wartiovaara, Finnland-Institut in Deutschland für Kultur, Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft |
Lecture |
08.06.2009 (18:00) |
The Historical Development of the German-Turkish Community H. E. Ali Ahmet Acet (Ambassador of Turkey to Germany), Heidrun Tempel, Special Representative for Dialogue between Cultures, German Foreign Office, Cem Özdemir, Leader of the Green Party, Prof. Dr. Klaus Bade, Migration Researcher, Prof. Dr. Barbara John, Former Commissioner of the Berlin Senate for Immigration and Migration, Moderation: Nazmi Kavasoglu, Author, Journalist, Project Manager, Recipient of the Federal Cross of Merit |
Speeches and Podium Discussion |
08.06.2009 (21:00) |
Concert from Orientation Featuring artists: Bekir Karaoglan (Antakya/Berlin), Babak Akhoondi (Teheran/Berlin), Enno Kuck (Berlin), Serdar Dagdelen (Turkey/Berlin), Andreas Advocado (Berlin) |
Concert |
08.06.2009 - 13.06.2009 |
German-Turkish Week in Berlin 2009 A weeklong event series focusing on the German-Turkish Community |
Event Series |
09.06.2009 (14:00) | Europe in the Middle East Program – cities compared Nora Lafi, Zentrum der Moderner Orient |
Seminar |
09.06.2009 (16:00) |
Cultural Diplomacy in the Mediterranean and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung’s initiative “The Mediterranean dialogue”. Ms. Anna Kellner & Ms Julia Bläsius, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung |
Seminar |
09.06.2009 17:30 |
Lesotho Traditional Dance Group The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy and the Lesotho Embassy in Berlin are proud to present a performance of traditional Lesotho music and dance by the Likuena High School from Mohales Hoek (Lesotho) and a performance by the Herder Gymnasium (Berlin). The speakers will include Mohlalefi Moletsane (Counsellor, the Embassy of Lesotho in Berlin), Mark Donfried (Director, ICD), and a representative from the Federal Foreign Office. |
Cultural event |
10.06.2009 (16:00) | German Foreign Policy & Soft Power in the Mediterranean Region Ms Barbara Wolf, Member of the division in charge of the Union for the Mediterranean and the G8 BMENA initiative, German Foreign Office |
Lecture |
10.06.2009 (19:00) |
Cultural Contributions of the German-Turkish Community Hatice Akyün, Journalist and Author, DJ Ipek, Author and DJ, Andrea Kurmann, Actress, Jochen Kühling, Director, Plak Music, Moderation: Sirin Sak, Moderator Radyo Metropol FM |
Podium Discussion |
11.06.2009 (10:00) |
The Balkans’ identity within Europe and the Mediterranean. Mr. Martin Wilhelm, Goethe Institute – Belgrade |
Seminar |
11.06.2009 (14:00) | EUROMED and Cultural Diplomacy Mr Rainder Steenblock, Member of the EMPA - Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly |
Lecture |
11.06.2009 (16:00) |
The lack of regional leadership in the Middle East. Martin Beck – German Institute of Global and Area Studies |
Seminar |
12.06.2009 14:00 - 17:00 |
Germany’s Future: New Parties – New Solutions? The Amerika Haus Berlin will host participants of a German-American Fulbright Commission program for a panel discussion and workshop on the recent US Elections and their impact on the upcoming German Elections. The event is closed to the general public. |
Panel discussion, workshop |
12.06.2009 (18:00) |
Tipping the Scales? Political Parties and the German-Turkish Community in Election Year 2009 Hanaa El-Hussein, Head of the Regional Committee for Immigration Policy, FDP, Stefan Gelbhaar, Regional Chairman Berlin, Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen, Baki Irmak, Press Officer, DWS, Serdar Yazar, Federal chairman of Turkish Student´s Associations (BTS), Hüseyin Yılmaz, Chairman, Association of Turkish Businessmen and Craftsmen, Eva Majewski, CDU, Moderator: Ferda Ataman, Der Tagesspiegel |
Podium Discussion |
17.06.2009 18:00 - 20:30 |
Global Cleantech Triangle: Alignment Trends in the US, Germany and China The German-American Business Association, in cooperation with the Public Affairs Program of the Embassy of the United States will hold a presentation by Dr. Terry Cooke, CEO & President of GC3 Strategy, Philadelphia, on the opportunities and challenges of clean tech companies in China and Germany and the prospects for Obama Administration policy initiatives in this area. The event, which is open to the general public, is sponsored by the Investitionsbank Berlin and supported by the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy. Mark Donfried (Director, ICD), and Prof. Dr. Burkhard Koch, (Co-Chair, GABA Berlin Clean Technology Industry Group) will given an introduction. ![]() |
Presentation |
18.06.2009 | Globalization and Labor Power - Frances Fox Piven Lecture The John F Kennedy Institute in Berlin and the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy are proud to host renowned American scholar and social activist, Frances Fox Piven (Distinguished Professor in Sociology and Political Science, City University New York) for an event in the “Ernst Fraenkel Lecture Series”, made possible by the support of the “Fritz-Thyssen-Stiftung”. The event will be moderated by Thomas Greven (Guest Professor, Political Department of the JFK Institute in Berlin). ![]() |
Lecture |
22.06.2009 (14:00) |
The European Commission, the EU, and Regional Identities William Noë, European Commission in Berlin |
Lecture |
23.06.2009 (14:00) |
The Polish Institute as an Example of Cultural Diplomacy Marcin Zastronzny, Polnisches Institut Berlin |
Lecture |
23.06.2009 (16:00) |
Culture as a pillar of European Integration Ambassador Karl Erik Norrman Director of the Europa Kulturparlament |
Lecture |
24.06.2009 (10:00) |
The perception of history as a dividing factor in Europe's East-West relations Dr. Zsuzsa Breier, Executive Director, Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Kultur im erweiterten Europa e.V. |
Lecture |
24.06.2009 (14:00) | Reactions of European societies to Migration from a comparative perspective Dr. Marc Helbling, Migration, Integration, Transnationalization, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung gGmbH |
Lecture |
25.06.2009 (10:00) |
German Foreign Cultural Policy and the Ernst Reuter Initiativ Florian Jäger & Anne Duncker, German Foreign Ministry |
Seminar |
25.06.2009 (16:00) |
German Integration Policy + Bundestag Visit Sarmad Hussain, Policy Expert, German Parliament |
Seminar |
29.06.2009 (14:00) |
America’s Berlin. German-American Relations During the Cold War Dr. Andreas Etges, Profesor, John F. Kenney Institute of the Free Univerity of Berlin |
Lecture |
01.07.2009 (10:00) | The Deutsche Guggenheim as an Example of Cultural Diplomacy Ms. Svenja Gräfin von Reichenbach and Ms. Sara Bernshausen, The Deutsche Guggenheim |
Seminar |
01.07.2009 (14:00) |
The Worldwide West: The Obama Administration’s Global NATO Perspective Dr. Josef Braml, Fellow, German Council on Foreign Relations |
Lecture |
01.07.2009 (16:00) | Art As Cultural Diplomacy: Berlin Wall exhibition Günter Schaefer, Artist |
Lecture |
02.07.2009 (10:00) | Belgium’s Role within the European-American Relationship Ambassador Mark Geleyn, Ambassador of Belgium to Germany |
Roundtable Discussion |
02.07.2009 (14:00) | Norway’s Role within the European-American Relationship Ambassador Sven Erik Svedman, Ambassador of Norway to Germany |
Roundtable Discussion |
02.07.2009 (16:00) | Insight on German Foreign Policy and Its Effects on the Transatlantic Relationship Dr. Jan Bittner, Policy Planning Staff of the CDU/CSU Party in the German Parliament |
Roundtable Discussion |
03.07.2009 (10:00) | Croatia’s Role within the European-American Relationship Ambassador Miro Kovač, Ambassador of Croatia to Germany |
Lecture |
03.07.2009 (14:00) | German Cultural Diplomacy in the World Dirk Augustin, Germany Foreign Office |
Lecture |
03.07.2009 (16:30) | Cultural Diplomacy from the Greek Perspective Efthymios Efthymiades, Embassy of Greece to Germany |
Seminar |
20.07.2009 (16:30) |
Propaganda, Advertising, and Cultural Diplomacy Mark C. Donfried, Director & Founder of the ICD |
Lecture |
21.07.2009 (15:00) |
State Sponsored Cultural Diplomacy- Embassy of the United Republic of Tanzania H.E. Mr. Ahmada R. Ngemera, Ambassador of Tanzania to Germany |
Lecture |
21.07.2009 (17:00) |
Art as Cultural Diplomacy Dr. Sabine Lang, Program Director, Art as Cultural Diplomacy, ICD |
Seminar |
22.07.2009 (10:00) |
Case Studies in Cultural Diplomacy: The USA, Japan, and Russia Mark C. Donfried, Director & Founder of the ICD |
Seminar |
22.07.2009 (14:00) |
Sports as Cultural Diplomacy Peter Rees, Program Director, Sports as Cultural Diplomacy, ICD |
Lecture |
22.07.2009 (16:30) |
Special Film Screening with the Embassy of Ethiopia in Germany: “Bechereka Lekso” In Partnership with the Embassy of Ethiopia in Germany |
Film Screening |
27.07.2009 (10:30) |
Soft Power and Cultural Diplomacy: An Introduction to the Field Professor Joseph S. Nye. Jr., Distinguished Service Professor, Harvard University |
Lecture |
28.07.2009 (10:30) |
New US Cultural Diplomacy Approaches in the Middle East Prof. Dr. Cynthia Schneider, Former US Ambassador to the Netherlands |
Lecture |
28.07.2009 (14:00) |
How to Value Arts & Culture and their Role in Politics John Holden, Visiting Professor, City University London |
Lecture |
28.07.2009 (16:00) |
Democratic Participation and Cultural Inclusion in Multi-Ethnic and Multi-Lingual Societies Cassam Uteem, Former President of the Republic of Mauritius (1992-2002) |
Lecture |
28.07.2009 (18:00) |
The Role of the UN in Promoting Peaceful Intercultural Dialogue in the 21st Century Dr. Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga, Former President of Latvia (1999-2007) |
Lecture |
29.07.2009 (10:30) |
Political Islam and World Politics: Areas of Conflict and Constructive Approaches Bassam Tibi, A.D. White Professor-at-Large, Cornell University |
Lecture |
29.07.2009 (14:00) |
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR & SRI) in Africa: A Form of Soft Power? Professor Joachim Schwalbach, Professor of International Management, Humboldt-University Berlin; Dr. Gerhard Prätorius, Head of Coordination of CSR and Sustainability, Volkswagen AG; Matthias Stausberg, Spokesperson, UN Global Compact; H.E. Mr. Ahmada R. Ngemera, Ambassador of Tanzania to Germany; Pascal Agboyibor, Orrick's Financial Markets Group - Office Leader Paris, Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP; Teresa Fogelberg, Deputy Chief Executive, Global Reporting Initiative |
Panel Discussion |
31.07.2009 (14:00) |
Breaking the Cycle of Bad News: How to Build Your Nation Brand Professor Salah S. Hassan, Chairman and Professor of Marketing at the School of Business, George Washington University |
Lecture |
31.07.2009 (16:00) |
The Renaissance of Soft Power in Transatlantic Cooperation - A Goethe Institute Perspective Dr. Arpad A. Sölter, Head of Division “Strategy and Evaluation” at the Headquarters of the Goethe-Institut in Munich |
Lecture |
31.07.2009 (18:00) |
The Future of International Cultural Exchange and Cultural Diplomacy Samuel Jones, Head of Culture, Demos |
Lecture |
11.08.2009 (10:30) |
EU Parliment Simulation on Cultural Diplomacy Matthies Verstegen, Program Director, ICD |
Role Play |
12.08.2009 (14:00) |
The Swiss Approach to Public and Cultural Diplomacy Gabriela Eigensatz, Cultural Counselor, Embassy of Switzerland in Berlin |
Lecture |
13.08.2009 (9:30) |
Promoting and Supporting Cultural Diversity: The Berliner Festspiele Henrik Adler, Executive Assistant to the Director, Haus Der Berliner Festspiele |
Lecture |
13.08.2009 (14:00) |
The Marshall Plan and Germany in EU Trans-Atlantic Relations Prof. Dr. Frank Mehring, Researcher at the Department of Culture, John F. Kennedy (take out comma) Institute in Berlin |
Lecture |
17.08.2009 (14:00) |
Tourism as Cultural Diplomacy and CSR Jeffrey van Staden (Director of Elangeni African Adventures) |
Lecture |
18.08.2009 (14:00) |
German Cultural Diplomacy in Africa Kornelia Bitzer-Zenner (German Foreign Office – Aktion Afrika) |
Lecture |
18.08.2009 (16:00) |
Contemporary Malawian-German Relations Oliver Kumbambe (Deputy Ambassador for Malawi) |
Lecture |
19.08.2009 (9:00) |
Fairs in Germany: Presentation by the Ausstellungs – und Messe Ausschuss der Deutschen Wirtschaft e.V. (AUMA) Dr. Neven, (Managing Director of AUMA) |
Lecture |
19.08.2009 (10:30) |
Music as Cultural Diplomacy Mr. Reggie Moore, Jazz Ambassador, Professor of Jazz & Musician |
Seminar |
19.08.2009 (14:30) |
Rwanda’s Achievements — 15 years after the genocide against the Tutsis Felix Sangano Muhire (First Secretary of the Embassy of Rwanda) |
Lecture |
20.08.2009 (14:00) |
Existing Economic Bridges between Germany and Africa Claudia Ziegeler (German African Business Association – Afrika Verein) |
Lecture |
20.08.2009 (14:00) |
Mozambique and its Role in the African Scene H.E. Carlos dos Santos (Ambassador of Mozambique) |
Lecture |
21.08.2009 (14:00) |
Presentation on Cultural Diplomacy in Lesotho and Africa H.E. Makase Nyaphisi (Ambassador of the Kingdom of Lesotho) |
Lecture |
24.08.2009 (14:00) |
German Cultural Diplomacy: The Example of Deutsche Welle TV Peter Craven (Political Moderator, Deutsche Welle TV) |
Lecture |
25.08.2009 (14:00) |
This house believes that budget travel has a negative impact on cultural exchange (Debate) Rory MacLean (Bestselling travel writer) |
Debate |
26.08.2009 (11:15) |
Understanding Cultural Differences between the UK and Germany as a Foundation for a Stronger Relationship Dr. h c Gebhardt von Moltke (Chairman, Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft) |
Lecture |
26.08.2009 (14:00) |
Britspotting: Bridging the UK, Ireland and Germany through Film Beatrice Behn, Deputy Director Britspotting |
Lecture |
26.08.2009 (19:00) |
Long Live the Screen! A Short Film Festival in association with Britspotting |
Film Festival |
27.08.2009 (14:00) |
The British Chamber of Commerce in Germany (BCCG) Andreas Meyer-Schwickerath (Chairman, BCCG); Thomas Knollman (BCCG) |
Lecture |
28.08.2009 (11:00) |
British Party Politics and the European Union Roderick Parkes, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik |
Lecture |
06.09.2009 (15.00) |
What is Leadership? Introduction. Ursula Leitzmann, Intercultural Management Trainer |
Presentation, Discussion |
06.09.2009 (16.30) |
Leadership Initiatives – Successful Case Study Benjamin Didszuweit, Analyst Deutsche Bank, GMT Alumni |
Presentation |
07.09.2009 (10.00) |
German-Turkish Business Relations and the Challenges of Intercultural Management Alexander Sixt, Development Director Sixt Car Rental |
Presentation |
07.09.2009 (14.00) |
Social Initiatives in the Private Sector and the Responsibility of Young Global Leaders Dr. Verena Reichel, Kristina Dengler, Roland Berger Consultants |
Presentation |
07.09.2009 (18.00) |
The Influence of Foreign Affairs – Reporting on Intercultural Relations Christiane Schlötzer-Scotland, Deputy Head of Correspondence, Süddeutsche Zeitung and Supporter of Ernst-Reuter-Initiative |
Seminar |
08.09.2009 (14.00) |
The Promotion of Economic Development and Successful Urban Management Rita Müller-Roider, Deputy Head of Division, Economic Development, City of Munich |
Presentation |
09.09.2009 (10.00) |
The Accession of Turkey to the European Union Willem Noe, Chief Administrator European Commission |
Seminar |
09.09.2009 (14.00) |
German Foreign Policy towards Turkey and the Role of the Ernst Reuter Initiative Ambassador Heidrun Tempel, Special Representative for the Dialogue among Civilizations |
Presentation |
10.09.2009 (10.00) |
Turkish Migration to Berlin: A History Gökcen Demiragli, Kreuzberg Museum |
Museum Visit |
10.09.2009 (13.00) |
Germany’s Integration Policy in Practice Günter Piening, Commissioner for Migration and Integration, City of Berlin |
Lecture |
10.09.2009 (15.30) |
Turkish Media in Germany and Successful Leadership Initiatives Tamer Ergün, head of Radyo Metropol |
Presentation |
10.09.2009 (18.00) |
Election Year 2009: The influence of integration policy and the accession of Turkey to the EU on elections campaigns in Germany and the EU Vural Öger, founder Öger Tours, former member of European Parliament |
Lecture |
11.09.2009 (10.00) |
Turkish-German Relations: The History and Future of a Special Relationship H.E Ali Ahmet Acet, Ambassador of Turkey to Germany |
Lecture |
11.09.2009 (16.00) |
Germany’s and Turkey’s Defence Strategies and their respective role in NATO Jan Techau, German Council on Foreign Relations |
Lecture |
12.09.2009 (9.30) |
Leadership Initiative – A Guideline Prime Lee, Dan Pearlman Consultants, Project Initiator |
Presentation |
14.09.2009 (15.00) |
Economic Relationships between Chile and Europe Karen Zacur, Diplomat, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile |
Lecture |
15.09.2009 (14.00) |
German and European Foreign Policy toward Latin America Wolfgang Hoelscher-Obermaier, Depity Head of Division for Latin America at the German Foreign Office |
Lecture |
15.09.2009 (17.00) |
Migración y Desarrollo: Managing Migration in Latin America and Europe Feline Freier, International Organisation for Migration |
Lecture |
16.09.2009 (10.30) |
KfW Development Bank and Development Projects in Latin America Stefanie Jung, KfW Development Bank in Berlin |
Lecture |
16.09.2009 (14.00) |
European Integration and Latin America Dr. Ulrich Brückner, Jean Monnet Professor for European Studies, Stanford University in Berlin |
Lecture |
16.09.2009 (17.00) |
Internship and Volunteer Programs in Latin America Gabriela Trentin, Mundo Español |
Presentation |
17.09.2009 (10.00) |
Ecotourism in Latin America Mariana McGill, Panamanian Director of Ecotourism Company ‘Latin America World’ |
Lecture |
17.09.2009 (14.00) |
Introduction to the German legislative system Sarmad Hussain, Cultural Commission, German Parliament |
Lecture |
17.09.2009 (17.00) |
Latin American Art Dr. Matthais S. Tantow, Gallery Director, Tantow Gallery |
Lecture |
17.09.2009 (19.30) |
Capoeira Presentation | Presentation |
18.09.2009 (10.00) |
Workshop on Intercultural Communication Gabriela Muñoz de Tukiendorf, Cross-Cultural Consultant, MunozdeTurkiendorf Consulting |
Workshop |
18.09.2009 (14.30) |
Panama between two Oceans Dr. Lourdes Vallarino, chargé d’affaires and Deputy Chief of Mission of the Panamanian Embassy in Berlin |
Lecture |
18.09.2009 (18.00) |
My role as a jazz ambassador Reggie Moore, Pianist-Composer-Arranger |
Lecture |
06.10.2009 (14.00) |
Cultural Diplomacy and East Asia Mr. Mark Donfriend, Founder and Director of ICD, Mr Odbayar Erdenetsogt, Third Secretary of the Mongolian Embassy to Germany |
Lecture |
06.10.2009 (17.30) |
International Day of Non-Violence Celebration Mr. Sudher Vyas, Indian Ambassador to Germany |
Lecture, Visit to Indian Embassy |
07.10.2009 (10.30) |
The German Foreign Office: State-Sponsored Cultural Diplomacy (Visit, Seminar) Foreign Office Representative |
Visit, Seminar |
07.10.2009 (14.00) |
The East Asian Diaspora: A look at the East Asian migrant communities Mr Shahid Riaz, Head of the Deutsche-Pakistanische Gemeinschaft für Kultur und Demokratie. Ms. Lizza May David, Filipino Documentary Director and head of Global Alien. Ms. Dagmar Yu-Demski, Head of Confucious Institute Germany. Dr. Riem Spielhaus, Researcher, East Asia Studies, Humboldt University Berlin. |
Panel Discussion |
07.10.2009 (16.00) |
An East Asian Identity: What defines an East Asian beyond the geographical boundaries Minister Boun Nhang, Laotian Minister. Mr. Tikiri Bandara Maduwegedera, Ambassador of Sri Lank. Minister Maria Cleofe Natividad, Minister and Consul General of the Philippines. |
Panel Discussion |
08.10.2009 (10.30) |
Asia-Pacific Weeks Event | Event |
08.10.2009 (17.30) |
Art as Cultural Diplomacy: East Asian Art in the world Mr. Christian Noçon, Famous German Indian Classical Musician |
Seminar, Visit |
09.10.2009 (10.30) |
The German Parliament Discussion: Foreign Policy Initiatives Mr. Sarnad Hussain, Foreign Policy Advisor and Chief of Staff at the German Parliament |
Seminar, Visit |
09.10.2009 (14.00) |
Economic Bridges: Economic Interdependive and the future of International Relations within the regions Prof. Dr. Enzo Weber, Economics Professor, University of Regensburg |
Lecture |
09.10.2009 (16.00) |
Case Study: China’s Application of Soft Power Ms. Nathalie van Loy, Confucius Institute |
Seminar |
09.10.2009 (17.30) |
Films as Cultural Diplomacy: A look at the influence of East Asian Films Ms. Sun Ju Choi, Head of Asian Women’s Film Festival |
Showcase |
09.10.2009 (19.30) |
Music and Cultural Diplomacy: Asian Dance, Drama and Art | Presentation |
10.10.2009 (10.00) |
India’s Soft Power Approaches Mr. Andreas Wiebel, Diplomat, Indian Embassy |
Seminar |
20.10.2009 (10.00) |
Culture as a Pillar of European Integration Karl-Erik Norrman, Former Head of the Cultural Department of the Swedish Foreign Ministry and Swedish Diplomat in Moscow, Peking, Geneva and Rome |
Lecture |
20.10.2009 (16.00) |
The European Commission and the European Union Willem Noe, European Commission |
Lecture |
21.10.2009 (10.00) |
German Integration Policy Jan Bittner, Policy Planning Staff of the CDU/CSU Party in the German Parliament |
Lecture |
22.10.2009 (16.00) |
The German Foreign Office Representative of the Federal Foreign Office |
Visit, Seminar |
06.11.2009 (09.15) |
From a Divided City to a United World? The development of International Relations since 1989 Dr. Benjamin Barber, Professor, University of Maryland. Mark Donfried, Director and Founder of the ICD |
Lecture |
06.11.2009 (11.00) |
The Role of Education in a World Without Walls Dr. Jo Ritzen, Former Dutch Minister of Education, Culture and Science; President of Universiteit Maastricht. Martin Hope, Director Benelux and EU Office at British Council, Former Director British Council Moscow |
Panel Discussion |
06.11.2009 (14.00) |
Opening the Iron Curtain: Hungary’s Role in the Fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Cold War Lászlo Kovács, European Commissioner for Taxation and Customs Union, Former Foreign Minister of Hungary |
Lecture |
06.11.2009 (15.15) |
Public Diplomacy in the 21st Century – Back to the Future Meir Shlomo, Strategic Adviser, the Public Diplomacy Division of the Foreign Affairs Ministry of Israel |
Lecture |
06.11.2009 (16.45) |
Peace Building and Conflict Resolution Today Jack McConnell, MSP; Former First Minister of Scotland |
Lecture |
06.11.2009 (18.00) |
Human Rights and Freedom of Expression: A Scandinavian Perspective Merethe Stagetorn, Defence Lawyer for the Danish Supreme Court |
Lecture |
06.11.2009 (19.00) |
San Marino – The Impact of Globalisation on the World’s Oldest Sovereign State Mirko Tomassoni, Member of the San Marino Grand and Central Council, Former Captain Regent of San Marino |
Speech |
06.11.2009 (19.30) |
Transcending Borders Anthony Suau, Photographer, 1984 Pulitzer Prize Winner |
Presentation |
07.11.2009 (09.15) |
Euro-Atlantic perspective of Bosnia and Herzegovina Ana Trisic Babic, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bonia and Herzegovina |
Lecture |
07.11.2009 (10.00) |
New Perspectives on Globalisation: New International Agreements, Goals, Regulation and Global Citizenship Dr. Alfredo Palacio, Former President of Ecuador |
Lecture |
07.11.2009 (11.00) |
Freedom and the Politics of Walls Dr. Igor Luksic, Minister of Education and Sport of Slovenia. Nouzha Skalli, Moroccan Minister of Social Development, Family, and Solidarity |
Lecture |
07.11.2009 (14.00) |
National Sovereignty and the Development of International Relations since 1989: The Example of the Seychelles Sir James Mancham, Founding President of the Republic of Seychelles |
Lecture |
07.11.2009 (15.15) |
NATO and Afghanistan: Continuing Trans-Atlantic Cooperation in a Post-Soviet World Dr. Solomon Isaac Passy, Former Minister of Bulgaria. Amb. Carlo Ungaro, Former Italian Ambassador. Marina Pendes, Deputy Minister of Defence of Bosnia-Herzegovina |
Panel Discussion |
07.11.2009 (16.45) |
Turkey as a European State: Progress and Challenges H.E. Yasar Yakis, Former Foreign Minister of Turkey |
Lecture |
07.11.2009 (18.00) |
The US-Russian Relationship: Europe’s Role Then and Now Ivaylo Kalfin, MEP; Former Bulgarian Minister of Foreign Affairs. Dr. Solomon Isaac Passy, Romanian Minister for European Affairs. Minister Dr. Igor Luksic, Minister of Education and Sport for Slovenia. Gerassimos D. Arsenis, Greek Former Minister of Defence. Dr. Benjamin Barber, Professor of Civil Society. Jack McConnell, MSP; Former First Minister of Scotland. Radmila Sekerinska, Former Prime Minister of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Karl Erik Norrman, Former Head of the Cultural Department of the Swedish Foreign Ministry. Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic, Croatian Ambassador to the USA |
Panel Discussion |
07.11.2009 (19.30) |
– Cold War Diplomacy: A Tribute to the Jazz Ambassadors Andras Simonyi, Former Hungarian Ambassador to the USA |
Reception |
08.11.2009 (09.15) |
Cultural Relations in the 21st Century between the EU and Major International Partners Martin Hope, Director Benelux and EU office at British Council; Former Director British Council Moscow |
Lecture |
08.11.2009 (11.00) |
Poland’s Path to Change Wlodzimierz Cimoszewicz, Former Prime Minister of Poland |
Lecture |
08.11.2009 (11.45) |
Breaking Down Barriers and Building Bridges Senator the Hon. Alan Baird Ferguson, The 22nd President of the Australian Senate |
Lecture |
08.11.2009 (12.45) |
Balancing Global Public Goods and National Priorities: Establishing Foreign Policy in an Interdependent World Dr. Erkki Tuomioja, Current member of Finnish Parliament, Former Finnish Foreign Minister. Ivaylo Kalfin, MEP, Former Bulgarian Minister of Foreign Affairs. H.E. Yasar Yakis, Turkish MP, Former Foreign Minister of Turkey. Ioannis Kasoulides, MEP, Foreign Foreign Minister of Cyprus. Delia Domingo-Albert, Ambassador of the Philippines to the Federal Republic of Germany, Former Foreign Minister of the Philippines. Dr. Miomir Zuzul, Former Foreign Minister of Croatia, Former Croatian Ambassador to the US |
Panel Discussion |
08.11.2009 (16.45) |
Is a World Without Walls Compatible with Cultural Diversity and Regional Autonomy? A look at the medium and long-term Alfred Sant, Former Prime Minister of Malta; current Member of Malta’s Parliament |
Lecture |
08.11.2009 (18.00) |
A Strong Europe is an Integrated Europe President Emil Constantinescu, Former President of Romania |
Speech |
08.11.2009 (18.00) |
A Strong Europe is an Integrated Europe Wlodzimierz Cimoszewicz, Former Prime Minister of Poland. Erna Hennicot Schoepges, MEP; Former Luxembourgian Minister. H.E. Yasar Yakis, Former Foreign Minister of Turkey. Jytte Hilden, Former Minister of Culture of Denmark. Marina Pendes, Deputy Minister of Defence of Bosnia-Herzegovina. Gerassimos D. Arsenis, Greek Former Minister of Defence |
Panel Discussion |
08.11.2009 | Gala Event – 1989: A Celebration of the Year that Changed the World Ségoléne Royal, President of the Poitou-Charentes Regional Council, Former Presidential Candidate for the Socialist Party of France. Andras Simonyi, Former Humngarian Ambassador to the USA |
Speech, Reception |
09.11.2009 (08.45) |
Energy Supply Security: Russia-EU relations and the Gas Crisis Enno Harks, Political Advisor to the CEO of Deutcshe British Petrolium |
Lecture |
09.11.2009 (11.00) |
Global Leadership in a World Without Walls: The Challenges Ahead Mike Kenneth Moore, Former Prime Minister of New Zealand. President Dr. Alfredo Palacio, Former President of Ecuador. Janez Jansa, Former Prime Minister of Slovenia. Present Emil Constantinescu, Former President of Romania. Radmila Sekarinska, Former Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia. Jack McConnell, MSP; Former First Minister of Scotland |
Discussion |
09.11.2009 (14.00) |
Lecture and Discussion Luc van den Brande, Former Minister-President of Flanders |
Lecture |
09.11.2009 (15.15) |
Emergence of the Slovenian State: The Importance of Soft Power Janez Jansa, Former Prime Minister of Slovenia |
Lecture |
09.11.2009 (16.00) |
A World Without Walls – Freedom, Development, Free Trade and Global Governance Mike Kenneth Moore, Former Prime Minister of New Zealand |
Lecture |
09.11.2009 (19.30) |
Festival of Freedom | Official Ceremony |
16.11.2009 (10.00) |
German-Canadian Business Relations and the impact of the financial crisis Dr. Georg Schmitz, Vice President Munich Office, Region Americas, BMW |
Lecture |
16.11.2009 (13.30) |
Global Warming and the Ontario Energy Act Dr. Terrie Romano, Consul for Economic Affairs |
Lecture |
16.11.2009 (18.00) |
Reception at the Canadian Consulate Alan Minz, Consul, and Wes Sawatzky, Managing Director/Consul – Alberta Government of Alberta Germany Office |
Reception |
17.11.2009 (10.00) |
Bavaria’s role in German-Canadian Relations Michael Hinterdobler, Head of Division for International Relations for the State of Bavaria and former Director, Office of the State of Bavaria in Quebec |
Lecture |
17.11.2009 (14.00) |
Regional Alliances: The Bavaria-Quebec Partnership Quebec representative and Dr. Florence Gauzy, Bayerische Forshungsallianz (Bavarian Research Alliance) |
Lecture |
18.11.2009 (10.00) |
German Foreign Policy towards Canada Daniel Kriener, Deputy Head of Division for USA and Canada Affairs |
Lecture |
18.11.2009 (15.00) |
Freedom Rocks – Images of the Berlin Wall Agnes Kolodziej, Political Affairs Officer and CMG Alumni |
Exhibition Visit, Canadian Embassy |
18.11.2009 (16.00) |
The Role of the Canadian Embassy in Canadian-German Relations H.E. Dr. Peter Boehm, Ambassador of Canada to Germany. Marina Laker, Political Counselor |
Presentation |
18.11.2009 (18.30) |
A New German Government and its Implications Birgit Otto, CDU, Ulli Finkenbusch, FDP and Manuel Sarrazin, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen |
Panel Discussion |
19.11.2009 (10.00) |
Legal and Social Dynamics of Moving People, Goods, Data and Services Worldwide Michael Siebold, Partner, Arnecke Siebold, Chairman of the German-Canadian Business Club and the German-Canadian Society |
Lecture |
19.11.2009 (14.00) |
The influence of foreign reporting on intercultural relations Karin Helmstaedt, Canadian Journalist Deutsche-Welle TV |
Lecture |
19.11.2009 (18.00) |
Energy Security – Challenges for the 21st Century Dr Bernd Uwe Schneider, Head of Staff Scientific Executive Board Geo Forschungs Zentrum Potsdam. Prof. Dr. Volker Quaschning, HTW Berlin – University of Applied Science – Renewable Energy Systems. Joseph Odhiambo (Participant), Mathueu Regnier (Participant) |
Panel Discussion |
20.11.2009 (10.00) |
Germany’s and Canada’s Peace and Security Strategies | Lecture |
20.11.2009 (18.00) |
Canadian Artists in Germany – Private Preview: Larissa Fassler Larissa Fassler, Canadian Artist based in Germany |
Gallery Visit |
01.12.2009 (11.00) |
The History and Development of the European Union Carsten J. Diercks, German Documentary Filmmaker |
Lecture |
01.12.2009 (14.00) |
The German Foreign Office: Nation Branding and State Sponsored Cultural Diplomacy Benjamin Hanna, Cultural Affairs and External Communications, Public Diplomacy at German Foreign Office |
Presentation |
01.12.2009 (16.00) |
The German Parliament: National Approaches to Immigration and Integration Sarmad Hussain, Cultural Commission – German Parliament |
Seminar |
01.12.2009 (17.00) |
Art as Cultural Diplomacy: Tacheles Explored | Visit, Cultural Activity |
03.12.2009 (11.00) |
Art as Cultural Diplomacy: The DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Program Ms Katharina Narbutovic, Director of DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Program |
Presentation |
03.12.2009 (14.00) |
– The Finnish Approach to Public and Cultural Diplomacy and the Role of the Media in Nation Branding Leo Riski, Press Attaché, the Finnish Embassy in Berlin |
Seminar |
03.12.2009 (15.45) |
– The Role of Cultural Diplomacy in Peace-Building: A Case Study of Rwanda Felix Sangano, First Secretary of the Embassy of Rwanda in Germany |
Presentation |
04.12.2009 (11.15) |
Music for Social Development: The Example of the Berlin Philharmonic Larissa Israel, Community Development Office, Berlin Philharmonic |
Seminar |
14.12.2009 (11.15) |
German Cultural Diplomacy: The Example of Deutsche Welle TV Peter Craven, Deutsche Welle Political Moderator |
Presentation |
14.12.2009 (15.00) |
German-British Relations and the German Parliament Dr. Lukrezia Jochimsen, MdB |
Lecture |
15.12.2009 (11.30) |
The Berlin Philharmonic: Music for Social Development and Cultural Diplomacy Larissa Israel, Community Development Office, Berlin Philharmonic |
Presentation |
15.12.2009 (14.45) |
Walking through the Wall: A Personal History of Berlin Rory MacLean, Bestselling Travel Writer |
Presentation |
15.12.2009 (16.30) |
Cultural Differences between the UK and Germany as a Foundation for a Stronger Relationship Dr. von Moltke, Former German Ambassador to the UK |
Lecture |
16.12.2009 (11.15) |
Cultural Identity – Anxieties and Allegiances Dr. Sigrid Newman, University of Cologne |
Lecture |
16.12.2009 (15.00) |
The German Foreign Office and the German-British Relationship Carsten Rüpke, Deputy Head of Division for Northern European States at the German Foreign Office; Desk Officer for British-German Relations |
Presentation |
17.12.2009 (09.30) |
The British Council and Cultural Exchange Pia Ehlers, Head of Marketing and Communication at the British Council in Germany. Dr. Patrick Hart, Director of the British Council in Germany |
Presentation |
17.12.2009 (15.30) |
The UK and the European Union Chris Bryant MP, British Minister of State for Europe, Member of the British Parliament for Rhonda (Labour Party) |
Lecture |
18.12.2009 (10.30) |
Do the British still ‘own’ the English language? Prof. Dr. Gerhard Leitner, Professor of English Philology at the Free University Berlin |
Seminar |
18.12.2009 (14.15) |
The Prospect of British-German Relations under a Conservative Government Roderick Parkes, Head of the Brussels Office at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) |
Presentation |
18.12.2009 (15.30) |
Anglo-Saxon Capitalism, Rhineland Capitalism, and the Global Financial Crisis Dr. Trevor Evans, Professor at the Berlin School of Economics and Law |
Lecture |